Ceramic products Industry
Building relationships on the Cretan Land, since 1906!
The ceramic industry is developing… A.K.E.K is pioneering!
A.K.E.K. S.A. is a pioneer Greek industry in the field of ceramic production.
It started operating in 1906, in the port of Hersonissos, Crete. Today, A.K.E.K. continues its activities in a 100-acres privately owned facility in Heraklion’s industrial zone.
Construction of beam slab with bricks (zeigeldecken method or Solaio in latero-cemento).
The Katraki
Homemade truck for transporting products.
Boasting about modernization
Soil crusher.
The walk
Loading / unloading wagon outside the brick kiln (Hoffmann).
Our History:
Building relationships on the Cretan Land, since 1906!
In 1847 in Krya Vrysi, a village of Rethymnon, Elias Kanakakis was born. Growing up, he learned the art of bronze and travelled to Izmir to perfect it.
At the turn of the 20th century, Izmir was one of the great cities of the era, with great commercial and economic activity and a special flourishing of the arts and letters.
Elias Kanakakis evolved in his art and enriched his knowledge in the modern means of production of that time.
On his return to Crete, he decided to put his knowledge into practice and so, in 1906, he started the first brick factory in the port of Hersonissos.
Ilias Kanakis
The Founder born in 1847!